This week I returned from ten days in a mountain village where my team and myself spent time training local followers of the King. These believers, while they are true followers leave little to debate when discussing if they drink milk or eat meat. They are drinking skim milk, but most of them are hungry for a good steak. That is the where we are trying to get them to, but it will not happen over night. We taught them stories from the Word and how to share them. We went over basic theological principles, and probably one of the most important things we taught to them was about sharing their personal testimony. They seemed to understand most of what we taught. E ach day before we dismissed we would make a couple of them stand up and share how they came to know The Savior. They enjoyed this time of sharing and learning about each other. Then after that we would say a prayer and send them out. They left with specific task given to them. They were to come back to class each day having shared their testimony with a non-believer. I prayed every day that they would return with an incredible story, but every day I was left disappointed. I am not talking about an incredible story of conversion, but only they would stand and share about a loving God that sacrificed his stainless blood for our unworthy hearts.
I have often been asked why I decided to leave the country, family and friends that I love dearly. I usually respond with that is what He has called me to do. That is true, but I would be remiss to not tell the rest of the story. I have been told throughout my life to do many things. I must admit though that I am the kind of person that typically does what I want. It is not that I don't care what other people think, but typically I care what I think more. That may sound a bit harsh and self-centered but it is a true statement. I think most of us would agree with it if we were honest with ourselves. This I believe is where a true fear of God comes in.
I remember as a small child wondering what it meant to fear God. This thought was lunacy to me. Fear someone that loves us so much He would give the Son. That would be crazy. Then I began to understand that is not what the Word meant. I do not fear God because He can strike me with lighting.* I realized that I must fear him because He first loved me. I want to say I fear Him because I love him. The message of the cross though is that we love Him because He first loved us. I fear the King because He first loved me. This is an awesome truth that we must be aware of as His. The message of every other religion is that he/her/them loves us because we loved he/her/them first. This is where we start to touch on the full reason for why I do it.
I believe if you looked back at my life and how I responded to different people's commands to me you would have a very good barometer of my fear of them. I have not nor do I always do what my parents ask of me, but there is no one I have said no to with less frequency and yes to more. I had also better have some very strong convictions before I decided different than what they said or recommended. I know that this is because they love me greatly. They have loved me a very long time and I have never doubted that what they tell me is what they honestly feel is best for me. I also would never doubt that they would give their life for me. That is why they are so loved and respected by me. I guess the point I am making is that I almost always do what they want because they loved me first. I can think back to coaches that I have had in my life.
I was "blessed" when playing college baseball to have many different skippers. I had some that had forgotten more about baseball that I knew. Some that really honestly knew less than my mother did about the great game, I will grant though that when it comes to mothers and baseball my mom is probably pretty high on the baseball IQ scale. I had some that cared more about winning then they did about the players on the team, but thankfully I had a few that loved their team and would do what ever they could to make not only good baseball players but great men. I learned from this that it was not baseball knowledge that prevailed me to follow their instructions, but how they felt my teammates and me. Simply put it was my coaches love for me that caused me to to be truthful about running the full distance. I would run through a fence for a coached that loved me, but not for one that might not have cared what happened after I hit the fence.
I have often heard people say that if we do not share the Message with those that are dying that we do not love them enough. This is absolutely true, but it is not even close to the root of the problem. The truth is that we do not share because we do not love Him enough. We do not fear him. We grow complacent in our affections to him. We forsake our first love for that which is easier. I will never forget the first time I was going to return a kick-off in a football game. I came home and told my dad what I was going to be doing in the game that Friday night and I will never forget how proud he was. I also remember him saying that no matter what else happened that when I caught the ball I must run like a bat out of hell and not stop till I was lying on the ground and the whistle was blowing. That seemed crazy to me. Run as fast as I could at eleven guys that wanted to separate my head from my shoulders, but he was my father and he loved me. I knew that he was not betraying my trust in him and I was not going to let him down. I did what He said because he loved me and I would to all that I could to not disappoint him.
If I told you the people of Nepal where enough motivation for me to be here it would be a horrific lie. The beauty of this country while incredible is not the rolling hills of Tennessee that I often dream of seeing. I would not be here if not for the King. His love motivates me to do crazy things. This becomes an object of joking when we talk about two people being in love, but it is truth. People change for the love of those that love them. I do what my parents ask because they love me. I do what my God says because He loves me, and this has led to a great love for Him. I do not want to disappoint Him. I want to stand before Him with clean hands saying, "God I only wanted to make your name great, because You deserve all that I had. You deserved more than I could give. You deserved more than I could give in a thousand lives. You deserved this because You yes You loved me."
I love the people of Nepal simply because He loves them. My core is selfish and longs to make itself great. I would choose myself over them each day. God though allows me to love them in a way that they do not deserve. He has allowed me to be loved in a completely undeserving way. These believers that we taught will grow from milk to solid food. They will understand and be pushed forward with a boldness and courage not found in their love for their families and friends, but in love that comes down from an Eternal Savior. So I challenge you not to share because you love your neighbor because I have learned that at the end of the day I rarely love them enough to tell them about Him. When though I allow His unfailing love to capture my heart, I can love anyone anywhere with a self sacrificing and to quote the great theologian Garth Brooks a shameless love. This is what has caused me to leave family and friends behind. This is what causes those filling the pulpits of the world each week to stand and proclaim the only true life changing message. It is Him that caused Stephen to choose death when confronted about his King. It is what causes widows to continue in ministry when lonely. His love for you is what also will allow you to share with those close to you when your love for them continually fails you. Love them not because you are told you should but because He loves them. Love Him because He first loved you and then you will understand "Why we do it."
I do not want to discredit this attribute of God. While he should be feared because of his love, he must also be feared because He controls the storms as well. A healthy fear of the power of God I believe is essential to a healthy view of God and who He truly is.
I have often been asked why I decided to leave the country, family and friends that I love dearly. I usually respond with that is what He has called me to do. That is true, but I would be remiss to not tell the rest of the story. I have been told throughout my life to do many things. I must admit though that I am the kind of person that typically does what I want. It is not that I don't care what other people think, but typically I care what I think more. That may sound a bit harsh and self-centered but it is a true statement. I think most of us would agree with it if we were honest with ourselves. This I believe is where a true fear of God comes in.
I remember as a small child wondering what it meant to fear God. This thought was lunacy to me. Fear someone that loves us so much He would give the Son. That would be crazy. Then I began to understand that is not what the Word meant. I do not fear God because He can strike me with lighting.* I realized that I must fear him because He first loved me. I want to say I fear Him because I love him. The message of the cross though is that we love Him because He first loved us. I fear the King because He first loved me. This is an awesome truth that we must be aware of as His. The message of every other religion is that he/her/them loves us because we loved he/her/them first. This is where we start to touch on the full reason for why I do it.
I believe if you looked back at my life and how I responded to different people's commands to me you would have a very good barometer of my fear of them. I have not nor do I always do what my parents ask of me, but there is no one I have said no to with less frequency and yes to more. I had also better have some very strong convictions before I decided different than what they said or recommended. I know that this is because they love me greatly. They have loved me a very long time and I have never doubted that what they tell me is what they honestly feel is best for me. I also would never doubt that they would give their life for me. That is why they are so loved and respected by me. I guess the point I am making is that I almost always do what they want because they loved me first. I can think back to coaches that I have had in my life.
I was "blessed" when playing college baseball to have many different skippers. I had some that had forgotten more about baseball that I knew. Some that really honestly knew less than my mother did about the great game, I will grant though that when it comes to mothers and baseball my mom is probably pretty high on the baseball IQ scale. I had some that cared more about winning then they did about the players on the team, but thankfully I had a few that loved their team and would do what ever they could to make not only good baseball players but great men. I learned from this that it was not baseball knowledge that prevailed me to follow their instructions, but how they felt my teammates and me. Simply put it was my coaches love for me that caused me to to be truthful about running the full distance. I would run through a fence for a coached that loved me, but not for one that might not have cared what happened after I hit the fence.
I have often heard people say that if we do not share the Message with those that are dying that we do not love them enough. This is absolutely true, but it is not even close to the root of the problem. The truth is that we do not share because we do not love Him enough. We do not fear him. We grow complacent in our affections to him. We forsake our first love for that which is easier. I will never forget the first time I was going to return a kick-off in a football game. I came home and told my dad what I was going to be doing in the game that Friday night and I will never forget how proud he was. I also remember him saying that no matter what else happened that when I caught the ball I must run like a bat out of hell and not stop till I was lying on the ground and the whistle was blowing. That seemed crazy to me. Run as fast as I could at eleven guys that wanted to separate my head from my shoulders, but he was my father and he loved me. I knew that he was not betraying my trust in him and I was not going to let him down. I did what He said because he loved me and I would to all that I could to not disappoint him.
If I told you the people of Nepal where enough motivation for me to be here it would be a horrific lie. The beauty of this country while incredible is not the rolling hills of Tennessee that I often dream of seeing. I would not be here if not for the King. His love motivates me to do crazy things. This becomes an object of joking when we talk about two people being in love, but it is truth. People change for the love of those that love them. I do what my parents ask because they love me. I do what my God says because He loves me, and this has led to a great love for Him. I do not want to disappoint Him. I want to stand before Him with clean hands saying, "God I only wanted to make your name great, because You deserve all that I had. You deserved more than I could give. You deserved more than I could give in a thousand lives. You deserved this because You yes You loved me."
I love the people of Nepal simply because He loves them. My core is selfish and longs to make itself great. I would choose myself over them each day. God though allows me to love them in a way that they do not deserve. He has allowed me to be loved in a completely undeserving way. These believers that we taught will grow from milk to solid food. They will understand and be pushed forward with a boldness and courage not found in their love for their families and friends, but in love that comes down from an Eternal Savior. So I challenge you not to share because you love your neighbor because I have learned that at the end of the day I rarely love them enough to tell them about Him. When though I allow His unfailing love to capture my heart, I can love anyone anywhere with a self sacrificing and to quote the great theologian Garth Brooks a shameless love. This is what has caused me to leave family and friends behind. This is what causes those filling the pulpits of the world each week to stand and proclaim the only true life changing message. It is Him that caused Stephen to choose death when confronted about his King. It is what causes widows to continue in ministry when lonely. His love for you is what also will allow you to share with those close to you when your love for them continually fails you. Love them not because you are told you should but because He loves them. Love Him because He first loved you and then you will understand "Why we do it."
I do not want to discredit this attribute of God. While he should be feared because of his love, he must also be feared because He controls the storms as well. A healthy fear of the power of God I believe is essential to a healthy view of God and who He truly is.