I have done some amazing things since I have been overseas. I have trekked to places that people spend their lifetime saving to see. I have also been to places so far off the beaten path that a white man is seen almost as an alien. They have been some awesome experiences, but there was one thing that was probably my favorite. I had met some guys and had been playing basketball with them on occasion. I heard of a three on three basketball tourney that was coming up. We signed up. I had a blast and it was a great opportunity to make friends. God has used sports many times to open doors of ministry in my life and here he did the same thing, but there was something one of the guys did though that got me thinking.
I had only been here about three months at the time of this tournament and had not started driving the motorcycle that I currently drive. One of the guys on my team had one. He offered to pick me up and I rode with him. I had a general idea on how to get to where we were going. He was not going that way. I was in no position to question him, the motorcycle was a little small and I was using most of my effort to hang on. The guy I was riding with goes by Norbu, and he comes from a strict Buddhist background. While he considers himself Buddhist he loves to eat meat, which is typically a sign that they are not committed as they “should” be. Killing of any life in Buddhism is a sin. This would include something as irritating as a mosquito. So while eating meat is not “a tell all” it usually equates someone being more culturally Buddhist; similar to many of the casual Christians that can be found in church every Sunday. He did something that many casual Christian usually do though.
Like I said we were going a way that I was not familiar with, and I learned why about half way there. The roads here are dotted with small temples that will often have a few people gathered in prayer. The temples can be Buddhist but they are more often Hindu as that is the prevailing religion here. The reason they have to have all the temples is for prayer. You see in Christianity we serve a living God. He is alive and can hear our prayers. We need no special place to pray. We can talk with our God anywhere. The Hindus cannot. They must find a statue to hear their prayer and that is why you see temples scattered in so many places. This is exactly where we were heading. I thought it was odd that this Buddhist guy was going to a Hindu temple, but the idea that all religion is good religion is pretty common here so I was not completely shocked. The thing that bothered me was what his actions made me think of. To get this blessing that we were going for we simply drove around the temple. I would not be surprised if we never hit the brakes. We just cruised around it and headed back to the main road. He treated his gods as a blessing machine. I was originally struck with pride in this moment. Christians would never do such a thing. I would never treat God as if He was only a giver of blessings.
What an ignorant fool I was. I began to think on this throughout the day as our first game was forfeited and we had a while to wait. I have over and over and over treated God as if he was a magic pill. I have asked him to help me win games. I have asked him why I did not win when the game was over and thanked him when I won. I agree there is much to be learned in both winning and losing, but do we really believe God has ordained you to lose or win? I think that would be a little selfish to think such a thing, but there is no doubt that I have literally begged him for another “W.” We have asked him to enrich our own meaningless life over and over as if I should have a great name. I have treated my God the same way my friend treated a rock and so have you. This thought is not the biggest problem; there is a much bigger and devastating truth that is taking place here.
God is being used. We have treated God like a prostitute. We beg him to do our bidding. We think for a little offering or a couple of good prayers he we will submit to our desires. That if we give it will be given back. That because I do a couple of things that God sees as filthy rags God will answer my call. God does not do your or my bidding. He does not allow us to win a game because we pray to him. God is an all sovereign God. He has one plan and one plan alone. The creator of the universe is out to make his name great. If your desires fit into this plan, than they will absolutely be accomplished. God is so much greater than you. His will is much higher, and His plan perfect. This prayer is not God make this happen, but God use me to make your name and your name alone great. God is not a jukebox that with a quarter and a little coaxing plays your song. He plays His song and will continue to play it until eternity closes.